
Monday, 13 August 2012

31 weeks

Well, yes.  I am in Week 31!  It is fair to say that I have officially transitioned into the "uncomfortable" stage.  I have been having some pretty bad lower back pain for a while now and have actually been visiting a chiropractor.  The first two adjustments really helped, but I went just this past Thursday and last night I barely slept for the pain I was in...not pleasant.

I am getting quite big...but weighed myself yesterday and have gained 30 lbs so far, which is on track for a pund a week which is what I gained with DS. 
31 Weeks 3 Days
I have my regular appointment this Friday and I intend to request an ultrasound to see if baby is head down.  I want to make sure I have time to manipulate things if he or she is breach.  The baby's position really has not changed all that much for quite some time now.

Getting anxious to meet this new little member of our family!

Friday, 1 June 2012

21 weeks

Okay so I abandoned this blog for about a month...yikes!
I am doing pretty good, and little bean is doing great!  We had our big ultrasound last Thursday and everything was tickety boo!  We did not find out the sex of the baby, as we want to keep it a surprise.  DH thinks it will be a boy though, so we shall see!

My DS is still very excited about becoming a big brother...he kisses my belly and wants to listen to the baby on the doppler all the time.  It is really sweet!  He flip flops daily from wanting a brother to wanting a sister.  So hopefully he won't care either way.

I have been feeling pretty good, back aches a bit and if I twist the wrong way I get round ligament pain that can drop me to my knees in a hurry, but other than that good.  No really strong cravings for anything, I just love food in general!  My current weight is 125 lbs.  I went up to 140 last time, and I think I'll hit 150 this time.  I hope not, but I think I might :)

I haven't set up the nursery yet as I am waiting for DH to build a spare room in the basement so that we can move everything out of the spare room which is to become the nursery.  Been pinning lots of ideas though and am started to get excited to set it all up.  Guess I may have to start nagging a little...


Thursday, 26 April 2012

15w6d Quickening!

So for sure I am feeling the unmistakable bubblings of my little bean in my belly.  I have thought I have felt him or her a few times before now, but for whatever reason, I have been feeling them ALL morning today!  It's awesome!
I don't know how to really describe it, it's like little bubbles popping in my belly.  Kind of a tickly butterfly feeling.  It's the best feeling!

Other than that I am feeling about the same.  I still have morning sickness if I don't take my diclectin every night...but hey I can live with that.  We gather all together (DH, DS and I) to listen to bean on the doppler about once a week.  This reassures me big time!  The heartbeat is still strong at around 155 bpm.  I have an OB clinic appointment tomorrow - just my monthly weigh-in, BP check, etc.  I had the part 2 bloodwork done for screening but haven't gotten any results yet.  I am not too worried though because everything looked really good at my NT scan.

I am actually starting to think that we need to start thinking about names, making a nursery, etc.  The Fall will be here before we know it!

I must say that I am really enjoying being preggers!  I am gaining really fast, am huge (will upload new belly pics soon) and can already feel my ribcage spreading apart!  (Ouch!)

Thursday, 29 March 2012

It's all about the food...

Okay, so all I can think about is food.  All the time.  Even in my dreams.
The other night I was trying to fall asleep and I was dreaming about the deep fries, stuffed avocados that I had in Texas last year while DH was there...then I couldn't sleep!  And I have been thinking about them ever since.  I am gonna google me a recipe and make those delectible goodies if it friggin kills me!


Okay, I am also thinking about the half price wings I am going to have for m=lunch today at Kelsey's.  If my co-worker's meeting runs late, as she and I are having lunch together today, I am going to knaw my arm off!
As it is I just ate a chocolate Lindt egg (so good!)

OMG no wonder I am so big!  Actually, I haven't been eating that bad - lots of salad and veggies, with a tonne of carbs thrown in for good measure!

Monday, 26 March 2012

Bump pics

Okay, so I am not sure if I have mentioned how bloated/huge I am with this pregnancy...but I figured only pics would do my belly here goes.
The first pic was taken in my 8th week, not sure which day
And now for today, 11w3d

I am already wearing maternity pants 50% of the time, as my size 2's just won't cut it!  Belly band be damned - it just didn't work!
So there you go - I am 4'11" tall, and I may end up 4' wide with this little bean!


Well here I am at 11w3d, and still feeling sick everyday which is fine by me.  I rented a fetal doppler and was finally able to find bean's HB this weekend - chugging along at 167 bpm!  YAY!!! I shed a few tears of joy, and felt reassured that everything is going okay!  This long stretch between doc appointments has been a bit tough to deal with.  They shouldn't make ladies with rpl wait 6 weeks in between appointments!  We just go mad!

Anyhow, knowing bean is good really is a relief.  I go for my NT scan next Wednesday and I am praying that everything is going to come back normal.  Plus I am really excited to see bean again!
I see my OB this Friday and hopefully I will be done with the Crinone!

Other than that, I am super tired but happy as a clam!

Wednesday, 14 March 2012


I just received my (hopefully) last shipment of Crinone Progesterone supplements by purolator!  Good Lord I really hope I get the go ahead to stop using these vile things once I hit 12 weeks!  Did I mention that I HATE the Crinone? lol

As for how I am feeling, well the nausea is pretty consistant, which gives me a sense of relief.  I mean, don't get me wrong - I don't enjoy puking up bile every morning while I try to brush my teeth - but it gives me a sense that bean is growing properly and that maybe, just maybe, everything is going to be okay.

Geeze - you know I hate thinking that way too - as if I am going to jinx myself or something.  arghh!  Can 12 weeks please just get here already?  Actually, can we fast forward to April 4th when I get my next ultrasound?  Thanks!
Turns out DH won't be able to come with me to this ultrasound wither as he will be on course, so Mama is coming with again...bummed that DH can't come.  Oh well...there will be more scans!

Wednesday, 29 February 2012


I had my scan on Monday - bay was a beautiful thing to see!  Little bean measured at 7w2d on the ultrasound, but the doc said we would go by my iui date and that i was at 7w3d, due date of October 11, 2012.  The heartbeat was flickering away!  I asked about the bpm but she said she didn't like to use the doppler this early in a pregnancy.  Okay, whatever - so long as I know the heart is beating!

I cried tears of joy!  My Mom was with me since DH couldn't be, so that was nice to have her there.  This is starting to feel real.  I don't know why but until now I kind of was waiting for the bottom to fall out from beneath me.  Now I feel my self leaning towards hope, hope and faith that this is meant to be and that we will have a beautiful child at the end of this journey.

And what a journey it's been.  Since conceiving our DS in 2008 - the scare that we went through with that pregnancy, being given a 50/50 chance of carrying him after I started bleeding early on.  He was never dull - right down to the emergency c-section due to breach!  What a wonderful magical time!
Then all the heartbreak after that, in Feb of 2010 - finding out at 12 weeks that we lost a baby at 8 weeks, losing two more since then early on (5 weeks and 4 weeks).  I really will be so happy to reach the 13/14 week point in this pregnancy!

So far things seem good!  I am very nauseous, which I take as a good sign every day that things are going well.  My boobs haven't really grown too much and don't hurt that much, but there's plenty of time for that.  The progesterone still has me so bloated it's crazy!  I swear I look 5 months preggers!  Not even close to being a baby bump tho!  Oh well.  If the progesterone is keeping bean sticky, then that's what I will continue to take!  I did score on a prenatal prescription that divides the pills to two a day, and they are much smaller than the regular prenatals (excellent when you have uber-sensitive gag reflex like I do!)  They contain 5mg of folic which is great, and my insurance covers them 100%!  Bonus!

So for now I will breathe a sigh of relief and try to get through the next 5 weeks event free!

Tuesday, 21 February 2012


Well I am into my 6th week - and still holding my breath!  I did get the beta results back from 5w3d at 1552.  So from what I could tell, that was within normal range.  I had my first OBS appointment on Friday.  They did all the paperwork, yadadada.  I am still disheartened to see them write down that I am on my 7th pregnancy, and i have 1 child.  Sigh.

My ultrasound isn't for another six days.  I really can't wait.  I am just about out of my mind with anticipation.  I am faithfully taking all my vitamins and supplements, and the progesterone (uggh!) I still have morning sickness, and I even POAS last night just to reassure myself.  My last Internet cheapie - yes it was positive!  Very positive!

And so I continue with my prayers...cautiously optimistic.

Monday, 13 February 2012

5w3d - A little bit preggers

So today I am 5 weeks and 3 days pregnant.  I was shocked to hear that my fertility clinic did not want to order a beta test, so I had my ND order one last week.  I went and had blood drawn Friday morning, and here we are Monday afternoon and I still don't have the results!  I am about to lose my mind!  I just want to have a number! 
I go for an appointment on Friday with my OBGYN Clinic, and they will order bloodwork and an ulttrasound - but between now and then, I paid out of pocket to have some reassurance - AND I WANT IT!

Wednesday, 1 February 2012


So I definitely tested positive on a hpt this morning at 3 AM!  I am over the moon happy!  At a conference and have to get going, but a longer post to come!

Monday, 30 January 2012

IUI number one - update

Well I am nearing the end of the dreaded I am 10 dpiui...and I plan to test tomorrow morning, and every morning after that until a)- I get my BFP, or b) - AF shows up.
I have some symptoms, but I really don't know if they are al due to the progesterone or not...but I have certainly had waives of nausea here and there (could be from the Metformin too).  My boobs are a little sore - nothing crazy though, and I have had some mild cramping on and off, again nothing crazy.  I can't judge my CM because of the yeah - that's what I got.  Oh and this aft I have a slight headache, but nothing serious.

Sunday, 22 January 2012

I Married Super Sperm Man!

Well, the IUI is a done deal.  I triggered Wednesdaynight with two follies - and 18.5 and a 15mm.  We went in for our IUI on Friday morning.  The doc told us that DH's sperm count post-wash was above average...38 million sperm were lovingly placed inside my uterus.  Average is like 5 or 6 million, so hubs was quite proud to say the least.  Oh well, I will let him self-brag for a while, because thank goodness his sperm is plentiful!!!  I need all the advantages I can get.  So now we wait.  And I obsess about every twinge, cramp, tickle and pain for the next two weeks.  Fun fun fun!!! 

Monday, 9 January 2012

Femara Round 2

So AF reared her ugly head yesterday morning, turning CD 29 into CD1 for me.
I knew she was coming....but I hate her anyways!
So, here we go, on to round 2 of Femara.  Same protocol.  I will take 5mg from CD 3-7.  My Metformin dose is at 1500 mg daily now.  I am waiting for the RE clinic to call me back to book an ultrasound for CD 11, and then book IUI after that.
Maybe the IUI will be our ticket!  Hopefully!  With every passing month I feel older and older, and am really starting to question the fairness of all of this.  As in, the older I get, is it fair to bring another child into this world who may not have me around to help them out later on in life.  I guess I just am so close with my Mom, that I can not imagine not having her around.  Anyway, deep thoughts.

Update - January 16, 2012

So I am CD9 today and really not too much has been going on.  A few little boughts of nausea over the last couple of days, usually in the morning when I was hungry - maybe from the increased dose of Metformin?
Last month on CD 9 I have some slight pain in my L ovary, this month, nothing so far.  I hope this isn't a bad sign.  I have slight pain in my boobs...that's about it.  I am still having slight spotting, which sucks after 9 days!!!  I go for a follie scan on CD11, this Wednesday and we will do IUI.  If we are on target with last month, Saturday morning will likely be the scheduled IUI.  It all depends what happens on Wednesday.

DH is not looking forward to making love to a cup in a medical building lol!! Poor guy eh?  I don't look forward to the plethora of pills that make me sick, the repeated invasive tests, shooting myself with needles in the stomach, getting a naturopath to stick me full of needles in the name of Chinese medicine, and peeing all over my hands trying to pee on a gadgillion GD sticks!!!!  End vent.  Yes, I imagine it must really suck to masturbate in a public building.  Poor fella.

Oh, did I mention I am slightly cranky today?