I will add to this as I go along...
11/12/11 CD1 - AF is here...cramps, etc.
CD 2 - Super Heavy AF :(
CD 3 - start Femara...not too bad, feel a little funny
CD 4 - headache at end of the day, crazy dreams
CD 5 - first acupuncture session! hot flashes in the evening, a few waves of nausea after supper
CD 6 - some more hot flashes
CD7 - headache
CD 8 - no Femara - felt fine, OPK negative
CD 9 - slight pains in L ovary...upped Metformin to 1000 mg, slightly nauseous, headache bad before bedtime!
CD 10 - constipated!
CD11 - scan day! one follie at 16mm, one at 15mm and one at 13mm
CD12 - heavy left ovary! Trigger tonight at 7 PM!!!! BD tonight
CD 13 - nauseous early morn; acupuncture at 8 am!
CD 14 - BD in the AM, ovulation pains at night!
CD 15 - Merry Christmas!!! start progesterone
CD 16 - nothing to report
CD 17 - tiniest of tiny bits of clotting on tp at night
CD 18 - nothing to report really; progesterone not really causing me any grief!
CD 19 - feeling bloated and kind of crampy
CD 20 - slight backache
CD 21 - sick with a head cold, extreme headache tonight! Along with bad backache!
CD 22 - 8dpo, BFN
CD 23 - hmm, feeling nothing really
CD 24, 25, 26 - sick with a bad chest cold...nothing else but BFN's every day
CD 29 AF arrived
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